This river looks placid but they say that, at any given moment, it can create a powerful flash flood because its a tributary of the enormous Agno River.
It's one of those towns in Pangasinan that is quite remote. It is so out of the way from the main highways, that it feels very remote to me.
My aunt's husband's family is from this town. A town with mostly farmlands. I went with them to visit his family in 2011.

It's one of those towns in Pangasinan that is quite remote. It is so out of the way from the main highways, that it feels very remote to me.
My aunt's husband's family is from this town. A town with mostly farmlands. I went with them to visit his family in 2011.
My uncle's family lives in a little barrio right across the big long bridge above the Ambayaoan river.
Images in the barrio.
Coupling grasshoppers
Dead bird
Everyone's helping out in preparing food and cleaning.
Coupling grasshoppers
Dead bird
Everyone's helping out in preparing food and cleaning.